

    Aliases: 5htp, 5-hydroxytryptophan, tryptophan, l-tryptophan, oxitriptan

    5-HTP structure


    The precursor to serotonin. In some countries it is sold OTC as a supplement for mood stabilisation and insomnia. It is frequently used as a recovery supplement following the use of MDMA or any other drug that depletes serotonin. Do not mix this drug with anything serotonergic, as this can cause serotonin syndrome.

    ⚠️ AVOID: Anything which interacts with serotonin. Including SSRIs, MAOIs, DXM, MDMA (during or before)
    ⚠️ Do not take this while on a serotonergic drug, only afterwards. Wait at least 12 hours following the last dose in the case of MDMA.

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset: 30-60 minutes
    • Duration: 4-6 hours


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