

    Aliases: coke

    Cocaine structure


    A highly popular, short acting CNS stimulant that works by blocking the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. It is known to increase euphoria, confidence, sex-drive, focus, body temperature, and heart rate. Cocaine can cause severe vasoconstriction and is known to be cardiotoxic and have a high potential for compulsive redosing and addiction.

    ⚠️ Depending on purity, dosage will vary

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Duration: 1-1.5 hours
    • After-effects: 1-4 hours


    Helpful Links

    Known Combinations

    These combinations are considered extremely harmful and should always be avoided.

    maois: This combination is poorly explored
    opioids: Stimulants increase respiration rate allowing for a higher dose of opiates than normal. If the stimulant wears off first then the opiate may overcome the individual and cause respiratory arrest.
    tramadol: Tramadol and stimulants both increase the risk of seizures.

    There is considerable risk of physical harm when taking these combinations, they should be avoided where possible.

    2c-t-x: Cocaine and 2c-t-x both provide considerable stimulation. When combined they can result in severe vasoconstriction, tachycardia, hypertension, and in extreme cases heart failure.
    5-meo-xxt: The anxiogenic and focusing effects of stimulants increase the chance of unpleasant thought loops. The combination is generally unnecessary because of the stimulating effects of psychedelics.
    alcohol: Cocaine can decrease some of the intoxicating effects of alcohol, causing some people to drink more than they otherwise would, which leads to greater behavioral and physical health risks. There is also some debate about cocaethylene, a metabolite produced when combining alcohol and cocaine, with some researchers positing that it is more cardiotoxic than cocaine on its own. Use moderation when combining these substances.
    dextromethorphan: Both substances raise heart rate, in extreme cases, panic attacks caused by these drugs have led to more serious heart issues
    dox: The combined stimulating effects of the two can lead to an uncomfortable body-load, while the focusing effects of cocaine can easily lead to thought loops. Coming down from cocaine while the DOx is still active can be quite anxiogenic
    nbomes: Cocaine and NBOMes both provide considerable stimulation. When combined they can result in severe vasoconstriction, tachycardia, hypertension, and in extreme cases heart failure.
    pcp: This combination can easily lead to hypermanic states

    These combinations are not usually physically harmful, but may produce undesirable effects.

    2c-x: The anxiogenic and focusing effects of stimulants increase the chance of unpleasant thought loops. The combination is generally unnecessary because of the stimulating effects of psychedelics. Combination of the stimulating effects may be uncomfortable.
    amphetamines: This combination of stimulants will increase strain on the heart. It is not generally worth it as cocaine has a mild blocking effect on dopamine releasers like amphetamine
    caffeine: Both stimulants, risk of tachycardia, hypertension, and in extreme cases heart failure.
    cannabis: Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences
    dmt: Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences
    ghb/gbl: Stimulants increase respiration rate allowing for a higher dose of sedatives than normal. If the stimulant wears off first the opiate may overcome the individual and cause respiratory arrest. Likewise the ghb/gbl can wear off and leave a dangerous concentration of cocaine behind
    ketamine: No unexpected interactions, though likely to increase blood pressure but not an issue with sensible doses. Moving around on high doses of this combination may be ill advised due to risk of physical injury.
    lsd: Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences
    mdma: Cocaine blocks some of the desirable effects of MDMA while increasing the risk of heart attack.
    mescaline: The focus and anxiety caused by stimulants is magnified by psychedelics and results in an increased risk of thought loops
    mushrooms: Stimulants increase anxiety levels and the risk of thought loops which can lead to negative experiences
    mxe: Stimulants taken with MXE can lead to hypermanic states much more easily, especially if sleep is avoided.

    Effects are additive. The combination is unlikely to cause any adverse or undesirable reaction.

    ssris: May reduce each others' effectiveness. Cocaine can reduce mental stability and therefore exacerbate conditions which SSRIs are used to treat.

    Effects are subtractive. The combination is unlikely to cause any adverse or undesirable reaction.

    lithium: Lithium may inhibit some of the recreational effects of cocaine.
