

    Aliases: diphenhydramine, dph, benadryl

    Diphenhydramine structure


    An antihistamine which, when taken in smaller doses relieves allergies and insomnia. In larger doses works as a deliriant and can actually keep the user awake. Generally the 'high' of this drug is reported as dysphoric, potentially causing hallucinations indistinguishable from reality.

    ⚠️ AVOID: Many oral diphenhydramine preparations contain analgesics such as acetaminophen/paracetamol or aspirin, which can be toxic to the liver in high doses.
    ⚠️ The doses provided are for recreational usage. For use as a sleep aid the dose ranges from 25-75mg, or as specified on the product packaging. For medical allergy use doses tend to range from 25-50mg, or as specified on the product packaging.

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset: 60-120 minutes
    • Duration: 6-8 hours
    • After-effects: 1-12 hours


    Helpful Links

    Known Combinations

    These combinations are considered extremely harmful and should always be avoided.

    ghb/gbl: Both substances are CNS depressants, potentiating each other strongly and unpredictably, raising the chances of memory loss, severe ataxia, and unconsciousness. The interaction will cause greater inhibition and risk of injury. If the user falls unconscious it is strongly recommended to put them into the recovery position and monitor breathing.
