

    Aliases: milk-of-amnesia, diprivan

    Propofol structure


    A very short acting sedative that is usually given at the start of general anesthesia, and for maintenance of the prior. It should never be used outside of a medical setting. With that in mind, if you do plan to use this drug recreational, please have a very experienced friend with you that has the skills to insert a cannula, and monitor you very closely.

    ⚠️ AVOID: If in a non-hospital setting, nearly all substances should be avoided. If you use this drug outside of a medical setting, have your partner or a friend monitor your pulse/breathing/etc. If your pulse drops below 50, or if you are taking less than 10 breaths per minute, call an ambulance. In some cases the user's body may be discoloured, in which case they are likely unconscious.
    ⚠️ Do not take this as gospel. Please read ~experiences if you use this substance outside of a hospital setting.

    Dose Information

    Onset, Duration & After-effects

    • Onset:
      • Intravenous: 0-2 minutes
    • Duration:
      • Intravenous: 10-20 minutes
    • After-effects:
      • Intravenous: 1-3 hours